Wayfarers Wiki

Wiki note: This timeline is a Work In Progress, some dates may have used outdated conversions.

This page is a timeline of all known events in the Wayfarers universe, notated in Standard Time, e.g. "Day/Standard", or "c. Standard".

N.B. Conversions of 1 Solar year to 0.8 Galactic Commons standards have been used where necessary to provide a consistent timeline.


  • c. s -190 - A Harmagian probe encountered the Toremi.
  • c. s 147 - The Exodus Fleet departs Earth, searching for a new home elsewhere in the galaxy.
  • c. s 186 - Exodan forebears cross paths with an Aeluon research probe.
  • s 261 - Galactic Commons Membership Hearings. Humans become Galactic Commons (GC) members.
  • 55/261 - After nearly two centuries, the Akarak Gathering withdraws their pending request for GC membership and closes all negotiation channels with the GC Parliament.
  • c. s 276 - The Grum war ends, Dr. Chef leaves her homeworld.
  • c. s 293 - The All Stories Festival is held, marking the 200th anniversary of the departure of the Exodus Fleet. Kizzy Shao, aged 12, visits Florence with her fathers for the celebration.
  • 5/303 - Jenks installs Lovey on the Wayfarer.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet[]

  • 130/306 - Rosemary Harper arrives on board the Wayfarer.
  • 145/306 - The Wayfarer is offered a job tunnelling from Hedra Ka to Tokath Gateway.
  • 163/306 - The Wayfarer stops for supplies at Port Coriol. Jenks talks to Pepper about a body kit for Lovey.
  • 245/306 - The Wayfarer is boarded by Akarak pirates.
  • 249/306 - The Wayfarer stops at Cricket in order to purchase a shield grid.
  • 335/306 - Pei's ship docks with the Wayfarer for repairs after a mine goes off on board.
  • 397/306 - The Wayfarer stops at Hashkath, so that Sissix can visit her hatch family.
  • 45/307 - While travelling through Quelin space, Corbin is arrested. He is rescued a few days later when Sissix becomes his legal guardian.
  • 121/307 - The Wayfarer stops at Arun and discovers the colony of Solitary Sianats there.
  • 157/307 - The Wayfarer arrives at Hedra Ka and attempt to create the tunnel they were hired to build. However, as they enter the sublayer they are fired upon by a Toremi ship. They manage to return to normal space, but Lovey suffers a critical cascade failure.
  • 158/307 - Jenks, Kizzy and Pepper reset Lovey in the hopes of restoring her. The reset fails, creating a new installation of Lovelace, who decides to leave with Pepper. Unwilling to accept any more loss, Corbin cures a critically-ill Ohan of Whisperer against their will.
  • 169/307 - Ashby testifies about events at Hedra Ka to the Galactic Commons Parliament at Hagarem.

A Closed and Common Orbit[]

  • c. s 292 - Pepper, then Jane 23, escapes from the factory where she was raised and finds Owl.
  • c. s 295 - Jane 23 breaks her leg after taking a fall in the junkyard.
  • c. s 296 - While harvesting mushrooms, Jane 23 finds two sets of bones, presumably from girls who escaped a factory like the one she herself came from.
  • c. s 298 - Jane 23 meets Blue, then Laurian, while breaking into a fuel recycling plant. He helps her steal enough fuel for the shuttle to escape from Aganon. They eventually settle on Port Coriol.
  • 158/307 - Lovelace leaves the Wayfarer in her new body kit and chooses the name Sidra for herself.
  • c. 187/307 - Sidra gets her portrait painted in Blue's art shop, and talks to Tak about getting a tattoo.

Record of a Spaceborn Few[]

  • 128/303 - The Oxomoco suffers a catastrophic accident.
  • 158/307 - Tessa Santoso and her father receive a quick message from Ashby after the events at Hedra Ka. In the Archives, Isabel Itoh officiates a Naming Day.
  • 211/310 - Kip officiates his first Naming Day.

The Galaxy, and the Ground Within[]

  • 236/307 - Speaker, Roveg, and Pei arrive at the Five-Hop One-Stop on Gora and meet Ouloo and Tupo. A cascade collision of Gora's satellite fleet forces them to stay grounded.
  • 237/307 - Roveg and Speaker work on the ansible tower. Pei visits Ouloo's bathhouse. Roveg visits the natural history museum of Gora. The group has a party in the garden, where Pei realizes she is shimmering.
  • 238/307 - Ouloo gives Pei information on a nearby creche. Pei and Roveg drink together. Speaker gets into an argument with Pei. Tupo visits Speaker's shuttle and goes into olotohen.
  • 239/307 - Pei and Speaker monitor Tupo while Roveg looks after Ouloo. Tracker, in orbit, manages to contact a doctor on their behalf.
  • 240/307 - Launch conditions on Gora are restored. Tupo throws a party for Roveg, Speaker and Pei. The travelers leave Gora.
  • 267/307 - Roveg arrives on Vemereng.
  • 16/308 - Speaker receives Roveg's sim.
  • 119/309 - Ouloo tends to her garden.

A Good Heretic[]

  • s 184 - Mas and her mother have a picknick in the Sianat homeworld's central gardens, and discuss Arun.
  • s 185 - Mas undergoes the Pairing, the ritual to infect herself with the Whisperer.
  • s 190 - Mas receives their certification from the GC Transport Board, and finds a job aboard a Harmagian tunnelling ship called the Remm Hehan.
  • s 193 - Mas confides in Lum'matp, their captain, that they are resistant.
  • s 195 - The Wane starts manifesting. Mas tells Lum'matp that there might be a cure on Arun.
  • s 196 - Mas and Lum'matp make their way to Arun, where Mas receives the cure and becomes Solitary.